the accidental bohemian

healing. family. spirituality. growth.

promise waiting.


Time is no more than the counting of laps in a place where everything changes and ages and deteriorates.

We count laps around the sun: a year

We count rotations of the earth: a day

We count laps around the clocks we built to keep track of the laps: hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds

We catalogue it all with charts into weeks and months and days and quarters.

We count and count and count. And as we do so we watch things shift and move and change around us. Our parents slowly get more and more frail and grey. And then we do.

This is all time really is. Being in a place where we are constantly counting and constantly aging.

We try to imagine and understand supernatural beings that are outside of time. That live outside if it completely. No aging. No dying. No beginning. No end. A God without boundaries.

But we cannot fathom it. Because time is so foundational a truth in our understandings, in the framework of our lives, that we cannot think of a place or of a being that does not live within time’s confines.

And thanks to time, we get to experience this lovely effect, a phenomenon called waiting.

Waiting is just the process, created by time, of moving slowly toward all the things we are to be and to have. Everything moves along a timeline. This invisible line that marks our movement through transitions and developments and changes and growth and aging while we watch the laps spin by. Hundreds, thousands, millions of laps. Making everything about our lives achieved by a method called process.

And we keep counting.

The earth has only made little over 2,000 laps around the sun since Jesus was born here. That’s really not very many when you think about it.

2,000 earth rotations ago was only back somewhere in 2012.

2,000 minutes back was less than two days ago.

2,000 seconds, only a half hour ago.

We love to count our time.

God has given us all promises.

I have seen my promises. I have heard him speak these promises straight into my soul. He has spoken them to me through the voices of other people. Showed them to me in dreams. And other people have had dreams about my promises too.

Promise. Promise. 

But the perfecting of all promises is in the waiting. And because of the way things are here, I must wait for this process to unfold in a certain way, at a certain time. A place in the space of my life during a certain lap around the sun, a certain position of the earth, a certain place in the spinning hands of a clock.

Time is for us. It is not for God. He lives outside of it. Time is a creation of his. Not a canopy that surrounds him, but a thing he shaped in his own hand.

Waiting is not God depriving us. It is God saying, keep moving, you will get there if you listen to me and follow me. I will show you the way to that promise. That block of time that the promise sits in, waiting for you. 

What has God promised you? What have you dreamed? What has he told you? His spirit voice sounding directly into your soul? What has he told you through other people?

Don’t ever let anyone tell you to stop hoping and believing in what God has promised you.

And remember,

to wait

is only the process

of moving

toward the place

on your timeline

where your promise

is waiting 

for you.

So make your way

through the cycling laps.

Fix your eyes on God.

Fix your eyes on the promise.

And follow God’s voice.

And you will get there.

In due time.


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