the accidental bohemian

healing. family. spirituality. growth.

why won’t god fix me. purifying the mind.



If God had decided my healing would be different

If he had waved the magic wand

If he had decided to wipe my slate clean for me

I would be a very weak,


and unknowledgeable


I would not be writing any of this.

I would never have learned the secrets

of wisdom and prosperity.




I remember the day he told me how he intended for me to heal. And that was the day everything in my mind changed about healing. The day I started looking in the right places.

Ten years ago. I was in church. I was very unwell. My soul was twisted in knots and every day I felt the agony of my current state. My body, though healthy by American standards, was anything but. True health was not a model I had ever seen or felt before.

I was standing in the back of the church. And she approached. A woman who means well. She really does. You know her too, I’m sure. Your version of her.

She said God wants you to know that you can be healed right this minute. You just have to claim it. 

That icky feeling. That mild state of wrongness that alerts us: God did not really say that.

She kept talking but her words suddenly faded out of my hearing.

God actually cut her off.

don’t listen to her

Her mouth kept moving but I only heard him in my consciousness.

don’t pay attention to those words right now

only my words.  

I am not going to heal you all at once

I am going to take you on a journey

and show you many great mysteries

I am going to teach you how to heal

and then you are going to show many more 


I understood in an instant that simply taking away an effect, leaves the cause never discovered

never understood

never conquered.


I was unwell for a reason.

How would I benefit if I did not find out how to reverse my own mistakes?

Slipping in and cleaning your child’s bedroom gives him no experience in how to keep his room clean. In fact, when it is done for him, he will appreciate it much less. He will be more careless, toss things about. Because he does not have to put any thought or effort into the cleanliness of his own room. It is done for him. When he is on his own and you are no longer there, his home will either be a horrifying hazardous wasteland or else he will have to struggle to learn late a lesson he should have been building since he could walk. Pick up after yourself. Put garbage in the waste bin. If you take it out, later you must put it back. These simple guidelines of cleanliness, ingrained into the mind, a habit that allows for healthier living.

God would never deprive us of this route. Not if he is good.

Our lives are meant to be a journey of growth, maturity, building character: a journey of gaining wisdom. The ability to make choices toward good and prosperity and health. And moving away from foolishness: the choices that lead toward the opposite of these things. The choices that harm us and rob us.

Simple guidelines for health that all of us should have been raised knowing got lost and left behind several generations ago when our culture decided to move into the modern age of medical absurdities











Idiotically altered non-food

, shopping-swscan04424-copy

the technological age of laziness, and the indoor lifestyle of suburbia.


Just to name a few.

Lost is the wisdom of what affects us positively and negatively and how to choose for health.

We don’t connect our lifestyle choices with our lack of health anymore. For too many generations the medical viewpoint has told us that our health is simply a hand we are dealt, luck of the draw. We see it like a deformity in our genetics that requires medicine to control. Instead of the truth: most of us are simply suffering the effects of the way we are living and if we change these causes, the effects will minimize or go away completely.

I am speaking to the ones who have spent hours crying out to a God you want to believe is merciful and wondering why, year after year, you are still suffering.

The answer is this:

I am not going to heal you all at once

I am going to take you on a journey

and show you many great mysteries

I am going to teach you how to heal

and then you are going to show many more 







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