the accidental bohemian

healing. family. spirituality. growth.

are you missing something? the need for different parts than you got.


I love to interview people. To ask questions and hear answers, to hear someone’s story. I love stories more than just about anything. And my favorite question of all time to ask is What’s your dream? If you could do absolutely anything what would it be?

Some people know exactly what they want and they lean forward excitedly to tell me all the details.

A Taco food truck!

A residential tree house! 

Some shrug as if they don’t really have one or even care to. And some stop cold as if they just realized they may have missed something very important. As if they want to have a dream, but have just been too busy to think about what it is.


Dreaming is one thing I do a little too well. Meaning, not much else really gets done. My mom used to say I simply lived in my own fantasy world. I have dozens of notebooks filled with ideas and plans and dreams that I have been jotting down, sometimes several a day, since I was a young girl. One thing about dreamers is that they are not always doers. And funnily enough… the thing about doers is that they are not always dreamers. It’s almost as if, to be most effective… we were intended to team up or something…

Can you imagine how many wasted ideas there are sitting in the minds and notebooks of people who simply are not driven to do? And do you have any idea how much wasted energy goes into things that will not really matter in this world because someone who has been designed for action doesn’t have a meaningful direction? (Insert Ritalin)

The thing that is so cool about creation is how it was made to be, in many cases, only possible when people with opposite “parts” come together.

Like the seeds of a man and a woman = new human.

No other combination can make a new human but these opposing ingredients. And so it is with many other things that need creating. The formula for certain creations lies only in the coming together of different people who carry different ingredients for its creation.

A lyricist and a musician.

A builder and an architect.

An owner and a manger.

An investor and a visionary.

A calm adaptive person and a high-energy disciplinarian.

A dreamer and a doer.

I have many other friends who are dreamers like me. We get together and plan until the sun comes up… and then we do nothing with those plans. Because we are too busy making more plans.

I know doers who cluster together and do a whole lot of nothing just to occupy their urge to do. And then sometimes I have to bail them out of jail the next morning.


This is often why businesses and churches and individual lives fail. Because people are not placed where their strengths are. Tasks are not delegated to the ones who were made for them, but to ones who have the wrong parts. In order for any creation to first be conceived, then birthed, then nurtured to greatness, the right people with the right parts must be involved and in their proper places. Mom cannot create sperm and dad cannot create breastmilk. Places please, everyone!

If your church is failing, then you most likely do not have the proper people with the proper strengths in their proper places. If your business is failing, then you most likely do not have the proper people with the proper strengths in their proper places. If your life is failing, you are likely missing key people with key strengths in key places. We were made for collaboration and bonding. Some of us were made more independent than others, but every one of us needs to join with other opposing parts in order to create certain things. Without them we will only have seeds.


I have a part that fits in your deficit! I have a deficit that needs your part! : magic.




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