the accidental bohemian

healing. family. spirituality. growth.

how to heal (even from cancer)



I woke up this morning with it on me, a burden I have carried around all day. This is how it began…

Sunday night my husband and I were asked to lead a special worship service at a church nearby. The guests of honor that night were a young family. The father of this family was in his fourth stage of cancer. For the third time. He was suffering greatly. He was in terrible pain. He stood and walked carefully to the front of the room when he and his wife and toddler daughter were beckoned to do so. He could not stand completely upright. He lowered himself slowly into the chair prepared for him, his wife and child sat at his side. And for the following half hour the entire congregation took turns kneeling before them and weeping and praying on behalf of them for God to have mercy. For God to let him live.

I wept and shook the entire time. It was one of the most authentic and beautiful things I have ever seen. And I grew up Pentecostal. For me, this type of thing was just another Sunday… or Tuesday. But it hit me on a much deeper level this time.

My heart breaks for anyone who is struggling with illness. Over the years I have discovered some very powerful secrets about healing. All I can guess is that maybe someone is looking for this information right now. So I am going to write it down. My hope is that someone reading this has been praying for answers and has stumbled upon this today. My hope is that the secrets I am going to share here will save your life or the life of someone you know. If you know someone who is suffering or looking for answers, looking for healing, please pass this information along.

I’ve shared most of this in previous posts, but I would like to summarize now. When I was eighteen years old I became very ill. Physically, mentally and emotionally. I had chronic infections and dysfunction in my body as well as mental illnesses that were fighting my every effort to function and be successful. I got sicker and sicker for the next eight years.

And then something happened.

I began to see patterns all around me. Patterns that repeated themselves over and over again in everything: in physical matter, in emotions, in thoughts, in science… they all told the same story. Everything moved according to these patterns; this system of functioning that operates like clockwork. And as I began to apply these patterns to my life I began to heal. Rapidly. I began to change everywhere. Within a matter of days I felt like a brand new person. Within weeks I was free from many ailments. In a matter of months even more had vanished. And now, about eight years later I have never been healthier in all my life.

I have been introducing this method and watching it take action on ill people for the past six years. I have seen Parkinson’s Disease and Multiple Sclerosis give way. I have seen bipolar disorder, depression and anxiety disappear. I have seen weight fall off like old clothes. I have seen skin conditions vanish into thin air. I have seen chronic infections, food sensitivities, and digestive disorders cease to exist. I have seen chronic pain and inflammation disappear. I have seen diabetes relent. I have seen terminal kidney failure literally reverse itself, baffling doctors. I have seen countless medications become obsolete.

I live by these patterns now. I will never operate against them again. I hope you will see what I saw. I hope you will become as excited as I did. I hope you will try it. I hope you will heal.

Pattern #1: Input Leads to Output

What goes in determines what comes out. This pattern I like to refer to as the Good In/Bad Out equation. All living organisms must take in nourishment and expel waste. Very simple. But when we look at this as a universal pattern that must be observed in order for a living organism to thrive, it takes on new meaning. It is everything.

When you put good things in, they automatically push waste out. When you put uplifting things in, you get health as a result. When you put toxic things in, your health is instead pushed out. When you put toxic things in, you get a toxic outcome. This is a scientific fact.

This pattern told me that if I was ill, if I was suffering with a dysfunctional body or soul, then I was not observing this pattern. There were things that I needed that I was failing to take in… there were toxic things I was feeding on… there were toxic wastes that I was neglecting to expel. This pattern, this scientific equation was reversed in me. I was hording toxic waste. I was malnourished.

Then I set out on a journey to discover the true nature of every single substance in my life. I intended to put everything into one of two categories:

1: Toxic or Unbeneficial: Find Out How To Purge

2: Vital or Uplifting: Find Out How To Ingest

For the next four years I studied and experimented to find out which category to put everything and anything around me into. And that was how it happened. That was when I began to very quickly and very miraculously heal.

But here is where my burden today comes in. Medical philosophy has become a practice that defies the scientific pattern of healing and of promoting life, which is baffling, really, because it is supposed to be scientifically based itself. However, it completely defies the logic of cause and effect again and again. This practice somehow is still trying to make the equation bad in/ good out work: putting toxic things in and expecting health to emerge from them. And folks. It never will.

When looking at disease, instead of seeking to move their patients away from deadly things and uplift them toward life, they feed them more deadly things, put their bodies and minds into compromising and traumatic situations, put more stress on the already weak and struggling system. Fail to promote and nourish a body to find its inner strength again… where it can begin to heal itself.

Cancer is an extreme example. Cancer is a state of a body becoming so acidic, so toxic, that it begins to spoil from the inside out, one cell at a time. Cancer cells are not foreign cells that grow within a body like a virus. They are the human body’s own cells that are so full of waste and so malnourished that they turn rancid and then take out surrounding cells with them by spreading their toxicity and acidity to their neighbors. That is why everyone has cancer cells in their body. It’s not an airborne virus… it is a human condition of struggling cells, cells deprived of the Good in/Bad out pattern of life.

But as these cells develop, the body has to take action in order to protect itself. It has to try and isolate these dangerous cells until they can be cleansed from the system. So it encapsulates them. This is how develops what we call a tumor. Again, this tumor is not a growth of foreign infiltrating enemy cells, it is a part of the victim’s own body that has gone bad, and that body’s attempt to protect the rest of the body from the bad cells.

At this point our medical community looks at the cancer as if it is a dangerous enemy that must be attacked. War is declared and very powerful weapons are launched to try and destroy the enemy. But. They are launched at the entire body.

And this is where I believe the mistake is made. The weapons are launched into an already suffering body in order to attempt to fight its foe. The solution that is being used is to attack the host to kill the parasite. The immune system is then destroyed. And the body has no defense to fight for its life anymore. It has no power to save itself. It is now being killed at an even faster rate. This method defies the most foundational of living truths. You cannot put out fire with fire. You cannot put out fire with kerosene. You can only heal a body by lifting it up. You cannot help it if you beat it down more.

Imagine our country was a body, each person in it, an individual cell. Now say that some of these cells turn so bad due to toxic lifestyles that they become dangerous to the rest of the cells. What does the body do? It incarcerates them. It encapsulates them into a prison system to try and protect the rest of the body, until they can be either turned into healthy cells again or else eventually cleansed out of the body when they die.

If we used the medical community’s reasoning then we should create nuclear warheads, weapons of mass destruction and we should bomb the country. We should view the death of many innocent people and the total annihilation of its terrain as a necessary evil in order to take out our dangerous ones. Chemotherapy and radiation, therefore, is like nuking an entire country to kill its criminals.

The question must be asked: What would be the resulting effect on our nation as a whole? Would we have helped our country? or would we have harmed more than helped?

As a badly injured society tries to pick up the pieces that are left over from the mass destruction and rebuild a new nation, it will obviously have little chance of ever becoming great again. But more than likely, everyone would eventually die anyway from the fallout.

Cancer treatments are, by design, much more dangerous and deadly than cancer itself. Why would you create a weapon that is less powerful than the enemy it is intended to destroy? Research shows 75% of physicians would refuse their own treatments if they found out they or one of their loved ones had cancer. Many physicians are even trying to speak out, but they are being silenced.

Survival statistics are painfully misrepresented to the public. If you can make it five years you are considered a cancer survivor, even if you die the next day. Anyone diagnosed and still living is called a survivor even if they are in the process of dying a miserable death. They even often include family members of victims to their survival statistics, claiming that these people “survived” having cancer in their lives even though it was not in their bodies. None of the numbers we hear are accurate. Almost no one actually survives these methods in the long-run. And the true statistics? They would show, horrendously, that more people die of cancer treatment than of cancer itself.

I am a part of a community of people that believes we should honor our bodies in order to heal them, not poison them to try and cure them.

One of the reasons this beautiful young family was a much heavier burden on my heart is because the following morning he was scheduled to go in and begin treatment again. The very treatment that he somehow miraculously survived the previous two times. The very treatment that damaged his immune system so much, poisoned his body so devastatingly, the cancer just keeps coming back and in new ways, spreading everywhere. Treatment that confesses in its own long list of side effects is actually cancer-causing.

All I can say is if you want to heal, if you want to find health, no matter how sick you are, then the only way is to observe the universal patterns of life. To reject any method that harms you in one way with the claim of helping in another.

This is not how God operates.

This defies all of his patterns.

The only way to truly fight death is with life.

My father-in-law had an aunt that discovered she had a cancer tumor in her abdomen. She decided to leave it be since it didn’t seem to be causing her much trouble. Se lived thirty more years and died in her nineties.  If she had consented to cancer treatments she would have been dead within a year most likely. And she would have been horribly sick during that time. Studies show that people with cancer who even do nothing live longer and enjoy a higher quality of life than those who seek treatment.

I know someone else who had a friend that found out she had cancer. She felt strongly that God was telling her not to undergo the doctor’s prescribed treatment. Though she was afraid, she took some time to pray before deciding, just to be sure. As she prayed, she kept hearing God say something strange. Water. Water. Water. That’s all she heard over and over again. She believed God was flooding her thoughts to drink tons and tons of water. So she began to do so. For the next several months she flooded her body with water. Later tests showed the cancer was gone. It appeared she had flushed it out.

Healing advice for someone looking for the next step: When you fast, when you stop eating food, this sends a message to your body that you want it to cleanse itself. It gives your immune system the chance to stop digesting and dispersing nutrients (a full-time job) and to start working on long-neglected house cleaning. It enables the body to go into hyper-cleansing mode, and it begins to eliminate anything from your system that opposes your health. This includes toxins in the blood and organs, yeast in the blood and digestive system, and abnormal cells- yes even cancer cells. Your body is self-healing. It is self-cleansing. But we have lost this knowledge somewhere along the way of trying to advance into scientific glory. We have grown to believe that we are simply at the mercy of toxic things that root themselves in us.

If you are sick, I cannot stress this enough, go on a fast. Watch what your body does. It is miraculous. It will clean itself out and restore balance to all of its systems. Start small and work your way up to more intense and longer fasting periods. There are water fasts, juice fasts, raw food fasts, and alkaline (green) fasts. Do some reading on this first to prepare and get a support system in place, but I guarantee, done in small or great ways, it will change your life.

There are natural doctors that have been healing bodies with cancer at a success rate of almost 100% for over a hundred years using these fasting and cleansing methods. They are so discriminated against, so targeted, that many of them have been shut down, run out of the country and imprisoned. Medical doctors actually kill most of their cancer patients with their treatments and are never charged with any wrongdoing. Natural doctors who are seeing people heal completely with no nuclear fallout to the body are being treated like criminals… Conspiracy? Without a doubt.


75% of physicians refuse cancer treatment

75% Percent refuse 2

Long term side effects of cancer treatments as disclosed by the medical system

True definition of “Cancer Survivor”, from Wikipedia

More misrepresented survival statistics

Treatment vs. Healing


Fasting 1

Fasting 2


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